American WWI Burial Cards
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Search results: 102 records (cemno Like 'AT%SEA' OR cemcomno1 Like 'AT%SEA' OR cemcomno2 Like 'AT%SEA')
Name1 Serial # Rank State Organization Division Date of Death Cause of Death Place of Burial
Cemetery #2,3
Place of Burial
Cemetery #2,3
and Reburied
Cemetery #2,3
Plat #4,5

Woodmansee, Loyd A. 2689719 Private Michigan Battery A 74th Field Artillery 10/4/1918 Influenza At Sea 

Yelverton, George R. 4233115 Private North Carolina Company A, 344th Labor Battalion 10/2/1918 Lobar Pneumonia AT SEA 
1Click on a name to view the NARA burial card images of the front and back of the card side-by-side.
2Hover on a cemetery number to display the cemetery name.
3Click on a cemetery number to search for all cards with that cemetery number.
4Click on a plat number to search for all burials from the database linked to that plat number.
5Plat number refers to the Initial Burial Plat on which this burial was documented. See National Archives ID 12007376.