
This card register documents the death and burial information of over 78,000 American soldiers in World War I. Each card contains the name of the individual who died, the unit they were assigned to, the nature of their death and the burial location(s) of the soldier, up to and including their final resting place.

Digital archive created and hosted by U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

RG 92: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774 - 1985

Card Register of Burials of Deceased American Soldiers, 1917 - 1922

NAID: 6943087

Transcription Project

The Zooniverse platform was used to transcribe all information from the cards. Over 6,000 volunteers participated in the project and submitted 4 million transcription tasks.

The data is now available on Fold3 in the Free area of that platform.

It was not a goal or purpose of this project to do any correcting or interpretation of the data, but to create, as close as possible, an exact transcription of the cards as they appear in the digital images. For uniformity and searching purposes, some terms were standardized, such as rank, organization, ship and port names.

American WWI
Burial Cards

American WWI Burial Cards Search Tool


This tool gives the user access to the front and back images of a card or to the Zooniverse discussion comments on a card.

Use any search box or combination of boxes to search the burial cards. The Card ID is shown in the Zooniverse metadata, accessible by clicking the "i" icon at bottom right of a Zooniverse subject image.

Transcriptions of the card data were generally verbatim, including misplaced or incorrect punctuation. However, some fields have been normalized. For example, Co. G may have been Co, G or Co.G on some cards and all variations have been normalized to Company G. The search automatically ignores spaces, periods and commas in a search string unless you check "Exact." Use "%" for wildcard character.

Mapping Project

Burial cards that have coordinates can be viewed geospatially, along with other AEF WWI burial and battle area information on the

AEF Resources Map

AEF Coordinates

Coordinates from AEF documents (e.g. E303.1, N289.2) can be converted to lat/long with this tool:

Coordinates Converter


Contact the project coordinator,
Weldon Hoppe, through Facebook (@weldon.hoppe) or Email (w.hoppe58) with questions or comments.

  Front of Card view Sample Card

Textual Data Exact Sort

Last Name
First Name(s)
File #
Army Serial #
Cause of Death
Date of Death
Date of Burial
Emergency Address

Grave Markers

Name Peg  Cross  Head Board  Bottle 

Identification Tag

Buried with body  On grave marker 

Rubber Stamps

O w/ hash O w/o hash S OVER
Buried at Sea Returned to United States
BREST Flanders Field
Grave Released to N.R.
(Nearest Relative)
Permanent American
Cemetery Interment
Certified Jewish

Miscellaneous Tags

Alias Case Allied File Alpha Files Cem. Br. Files
Civilian Duplicate Red Cross YMCA
See Remarks Taken from 4x6 Card
  Back of Card view Sample Card

Removal Project Information Exact Sort

Arrived at
(European port)
Shipped to
(U.S. port) date*
Ship to (boat)
Arrived at
(U.S. port)
Arrived at
(U.S. port) date*
Shipped to
*Date format: m/d/yyyy (eg. 6/21/1920 or 6/%/1920 or 1920)

Permanent Burial in Foreign Cemetery Exact Sort


Permanent Burial in National Cemetery Exact Sort

Other Searches

Search by AEF Map Coordinates (decimal kilometers)

East     North 
 (ex. East: 307.1 North: 281.5)

Proximity (meters): 

Result will be all cards within the specified
rectangular distance of the given coordinates.

Search by Plat number*

Plat #
 (ex. A-297)

Result will be all cards with a burial location
linked to the given burial plat number.

*Plat number refers to the Initial Burial Plats on which burial
locations were documented. See National Archives ID
Zooniverse #      Card ID 

List all cards having digital burial correspondence/case files

Links to view or download the case file papers are at the bottom
of the transcription information on each card view.

See National Archives ID: 595318