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Last Will and Testament of John McT. Gibson

Realizing that "Life's fleeting dreams," will soon be over, and that my probation here is fast drawing to a close, and being as yet of sound mind, and capable of attending to my own business, I hereby declare this to be my last will and testament.

When dead I want no ostentatious, display of unnecessary, costly funeral extravagance, but everything conducted in as plain a manner, as is consistent with decency and decorum, and above all, I want no Preachers Pow Wowing round me dead or alive. I have always regarded this whole "Tribe of Levi" with loathing and disgust, fanned and intensified with their fanaticism, ignorance, intolerance and hypocrisy, and when the end comes, I want them to take a backseat while I take my departure in peace.

1st When I am dead, all funeral expenses, and debts must be paid first.

2nd I will and bequeath to my sister, Agnes Gibson, Mainshill, Mauchline, Ayrshire, Scotland, $125.00 as a memento, provided, should my sister die before she receives the money, the money shall revert to my wife, Olive C. Gibson.

3rd I sold a piece of land, the NW1/2 of NW1/4 - 33 - 4 - 3E on contract running 10 years from May 1st 1891 payable ___. Interest paying ___ in full or in part, my wish is, that contract be sold, divide it into ten shares, one each for each of the children, and one for my wife, Olive C. Gibson, and give each their respective share, the shares of Jess and Ross, must be deposited in the Bank drawing interest until they become of age.

4th The NE1/4 of Sec 12 - 3 - 1 West in Thayer co. Neb. I have leased for 3 years. The lease money goes to my wife Olive C. Gibson, and I think it would be prudent to have an Order from Court to sell as soon as $3200.00 can be realized. After the expiration of the lease, divide into nine shares and give to children as before, the shares of the minor children being deposited for their benefit as before.

5th I give, will and bequeath, all my money, notes and personal property to my wife Olive C. Gibson, together with the rest of the farm, until the youngest children become of age. The farm is known as the S1/2 of sect. 35 - 4 - 3 - then sell, and if my wife be still alive make 10 shares, one for my wife, and one each for the children or their heirs, and divide, share and share alike.

6th I wish John Gibson, Fairbury, to act as sole administrator.

Given under my hand this 30th day of April 1891.

Attest: /s/ J. E. Roe/s/ John McT. Gibson

/s/ E. Martin

Published: 26-Apr-2004