My Dear Niece,
I take the opportunity today as I have a cousin visiting me from Cumnock and I daresay your father will know her. It is one of Mr. Lamsole's(?) daughters that used to be in Wheelside. I received your kind letter telling me of Ida's little boy which I was sorry to hear [Noel Bishop born/died 1885]. No doubt she will be very ill about the loss, but he is better with Jesus than he could have been with here and I hope it will be sanctified to her and her dear husband. Remember me kindly to them and kindly let them know that I feel very much for them in their sad bereavement. Tell your father Mainshill is to go under repair and we are to remove out of it for a time.
If any of you writes just address the same as I will get it. I have a very bad cold and a little bunch of bronchitis along with it, but hopes to make it stronger as the summer sets in.
Uncle Lamsole(?) is able to step about but very frail. Aunt and Uncle at Carslon(?) is wonderful at their time of life. Mr. Hood is not strong either. Jane Logan wasn't so well, but is now keeping better. The rest are all well. I will now draw to a close hoping this will find you all well with live to all from your Affect. Aunt,
Agnes Gibson
Letter has following in corner of one fold of the letter:
Mrs Smith
care of Mr John Gibson
Potato Merchant
No 1 Eglington Lane