My Dear Niece,
I received your kind letter and was glad to hear you were all well. You will think I have been long in replying. I thought I would wait till I got my garden planted, I have got it all finished. My health is pretty good, and I am getting on nicely, Mr Urquhart(?) and family that was so long beside me are left and gone to England. Their oldest son is lodging with me, he is learning to be a miller, his time will be in January. Tell your Father that Aunt Murray Careston(?) was very poorly through the winter. She is now better and stepping about, she is a long age now above eighty. I have not seen Aunt Hood for a long time, she is not strong either. Jane Logan was seeing me in the Spring, she stays with William, her brother. She was asking for you all and wants to be remembered to Ida. The Samson family are all well for anything I know. Tell your Father, James Johnston, his old companion is still living and always asks for him when I see him. Trade has been very dull here, has been all winter, hundreds of people going about idle and markets are very low. Let me know how it is with you when you write. I see you have got another baby [Sophia Leola Hoppe, 7 Nov 1884]. You will be having plenty to do. Remember me kindly to your Father and Mother, Sisters and Brothers.
I remain Your Affectionate Aunt,
Agnes Gibson
Alex Urquhart
write soon