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Mainshill, Mauchline
May 29th [1891]

My Dear Niece,

I received your letter this morning. I was very much stunned to hear the sad news being so near his end. I expect by this time that he will be no more. Be kind enough to write me if he said anything at his latter end about his future fate. I hope he was resigned to leave the world, it will be a sore trial upon your mother and you all. I hope it will be sanctified to us and prepare us for our end when it comes.

I was sorry to hear of the children complaining but hope they will soon come round. It would be a sore trial on you the loss of your little girl [Agnes Josephine Hoppe 3 Nov 1888 - 7 Apr 1890]. She is better where she is gone than she could have been with you. Let me know if little Ross is your youngest brother? I forget the names of the others. I was not so well in the spring, but I am keeping better now, and in my usual way.

I wrote to you shortly after getting your letter but my letter was returned. Since then I have written three times to your Father.

Remember me kindly to your Mother and say I feel very much for her in the sad bereavement and for you all.

With kind love to all your brothers and sisters, yourself and husband and the little ones. I will expect to hear from you soon, about your father's end.

Your affectionate Aunt
Agnes Gibson

Published: 26-Apr-2004