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July 30th 1893

My Dear Niece,

I received you last letter in the month of Jany. I was sorry to hear that your crops were so bad last season. I hope it will be better with you this year but I hope these things will be sanctified to us all and teach us lessons that we are dependant creatures upon a merciful God. My garden is doing well this year and my potatoes are beautiful. I wasn't very strong in the spring of the year, but was able to do my garden without any help, for which I ought to be very thankful. I feel pretty well just now and getting on nicely. When the season ends when you have all gathering in be sure and let me know how it is with you. I hope this will find you all well. I was glad to hear that you mother's health was better. Send her my kindest wishes when you write to her. Remember me to all the rest, also to your husband & all the little ones with kind wishes for you all. Hoping to hear better news the next time.

Your Aff. Aunt,

Published: 26-Apr-2004