My Dear Niece,
You will think I have quite forgot you this time. I have been longer in writing than I expected. I was very poorly the end of last year, and did not expect to get better, however it pleased providence to spare me a little longer. I came round wonderfully and was able to do my garden. It was not such a good year with us here. The foreend of summer was wet and cold, and the fruit was not so plentiful. There was a good deal of disease amongst the potatoes. I have got them all dug up but we must be thankful for what providence preserves to us and make the most of it. I have been wondering if your crops have been any better this year. Be sure to let me know soon after you receive this. I noticed an account in the Christian Herald of an outbreak of fire, it mentioned Nebraska amongst the rest of the places. I hope our friends there have escaped it. Let me know how your Mother keeps and all the rest of them when you last heard from them. I was glad to hear the little boys were able to herd the cattle. They will soon be a great help to you. Has John and James come to live on their farms yet. My old Aunt, my Mother's last sister died in the spring in her 88th year. I have nothing more to say at present. With kind love to your Husband and the little ones, accept the love yourself,
Your Aff. Aunt
Agnes Gibson