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Mainshill, Mauchline
9th Sept. 1896

My Dear Niece,

I received your welcome letter early in spring. I am glad to say that I am in my usual way & getting on wonderfully well. I was able to do all my garden work myself. I thought I would wait on to see how it did before I answered your letter, I had a good crop of berries & some pears & plums & apples, but a good deal of disease among the potatoes, however I have a good many good ones too, for which I ought to be thankful. I see from your letter that your crops had not been very good last year, but these blights are all sent to teach us lessons that we are dependant creatures upon a Heavenly father's bounty. I was glad to learn that your mother's health was better the last time you were hearing of her. Remember me kindly to her & to all your sisters & brothers when you are writing to any of them & tell them their old Aunt is still living & in my 73rd year. I have a friend seeing me just now that comes yearly. It is her that writes this letter from me. She is a Miss Wood & comes from New Cumnock, 14 miles from here.

I have a cousin used to come & see me & took a great interest in me but I am very sorry to say that her mind has given way & she has been in the asylum for some time & I am very sorry about it.

When the mind gives way it is one of the sorest afflictions that can come our way, I am glad to learn that your little boys are the length of being some help to you. Let me know how your crops do this year when you have got them all gathered in. Remember me to your husband & all the little ones with kindest wishes for you all, I remain

Your loving Aunt
Agnes Gibson

Published: 26-Apr-2004