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Doug's Defeat

The nation for years has been floundering on
In a course of disaster and ruin
While passing events have as steadily shown
A tempest political brewing
The wishes and wants of the masses refused
No end of attempts at subjection
Each power of the people subverted, abused
Till - witness the recent Election
Then toll the Bell for Breckinridge
Old Abe and the Union forever
And Doug may get into his Dug-out
And then paddle it up Salt River.

Slaveocracy backed by the Northern doughface
With bribery, fraud and evasion
Has doctor'd and fester'd that blotch of disgrace
That sticks like a curse to the nation
Th' Executive too fully pledged to the cause
Has tried to control Legislation
By Patronage plied to perverting the laws
And political decapitation
Away with Bell and Breckinridge
Old Abe and the Union forever
And the poor little sucker may suck away
As he paddles along on Salt River.

Democracy bah, what anomalous terms
Are used as a mask for corruption,
Has planted and fostered and ripened the germs
Of incipient death and disruption.
The Compromise Line - a concession at that
They ruthlessly tore into tatters,
Then Kansas came up, and they cut it so fat
We soon had a swarm of young squatters
And where were Bell and Breckinridge
Old Abe and the Union forever
For poor little Doug and the Compromise
Are stuck on a bar in Salt River.

But what is this Kansas-Nebraska Bill
Which way are its doctrines leaning
It reads quite smooth, and is framed with skill
But mark you the Giants meaning
Just give to the President all the power
And the shell to protect the kernel
Then leave the husk for the North to devour
Oh isn't such physic infernal
Go hitch up Bell with Breckinridge
Old Abe and the Union forever
And Doug may squat on his squatter sieve
And try it a trip on Salt River.

And how did the Homestead ____ fail
The Record's response is terrific
Who strangled the Overland Daily Mail
And the Railroad to the Pacific
But the hydra head of the faction is split
Deservedly so and no wonder
And not a Free State to relieve them yet
Oh ain't we past ____ thunder
A fig for Bell and Breckinridge
Old Abe and the Union forever
For the Giants gigantic Humbug
Has hustled him up Salt River.

These spoil-sucking pests have been pampered so long
With the best of the favors and the fishes
They grabbed for the pile but just went it too strong
To agree with our wants or our wishes
Secessional ___ from a Yancey or Rhett
May spurt every change of the weather
But sturdy old Abe will awake them you bet
Or hang the two traitors together
Then Bell may blow for Breckinridge
Old Abe and the Union forever
And the poor little sucker may suck away
For he'll ne'er get down Salt River.

Published: 26-Apr-2004