Haunts of my childhood hail! To you I turn,
To view once more thy wonted shades
Thy scented thickets, and expansive glades,
Where rugged rocks enclose a spacious "Green,"
And guard parental o'er the cherished scene;
Where distant -- bleatings from the neighb'ring hills,
Symphonic mingle with the plaint of rills;
Where woodland warblers tune their mellow throats,
Add sportive enchants the lenghtened notes,
In music -- Eddies round on Fancy's wing,
Adown the glenn where birks and hazels spring;
There oft in infant innocence I've strayed
And joyous cropped the dew bespangled blade,
Of youthful pleasure, gilded fair and bright
With love and hope -- one tissue of delight;
Oh! could my fancy conjure up the past,
In glowing forms that would forever last
I'd yield the future -- bask in endless joy,
Nor frame one wish beyond the village boy. |