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Satire 1

How comes it Maccenus that nobody live
Content with his present condition?
Whether reason, or chance threw the gift in his way,
But growls with an envious ambition.

The soldier grown homy and shatter'd with toil,
Thro' marching and wielding his sabre,
Cries - "happy the merchant who lives on his gain
And never feels aught of hard labor.

The merchant again who the winds toss his ship,
Would rather have warfare and glory;
For the battle's begin and victory's won,
Or death puts and end to the story.

The lawyer yearns after the farmer's estate
And is ready to run with the poker,
When his client arrives at the time of cock-crow,
And thunders away at his knocker.

Another gives bond, and the payment comes on,
His money is scarce - what a pity!
He's dragg'd from the country away to the town,
And longs for a life in the city.

So many examples there are of this kind
That Fabins would tire to repeat them.
Then listen awhile, and I'll show you just now,
The manner in which I will treat them.

If any Divinity thus should declare -
"Lo! I will conform to your wishes,
And you that were lately a soldier, shall be
A dealer in meal, fruit and fishes.

And you fully pledg'd with the feathers of law
No more of your tricks and distraining,
But down with your briefs and full on to the plough
And see to your turnips and training.

Away with you each to your different pursuits
And adhere to the terms of compaction
Aye marry! What is it? Or why do you stand
Like a pillar, or some petrifaction?"

The reason is plain, all the blessings forseen
Have flitted away from their vision.
Now they bring in the bucks and yet they've the ____,
To better their state by decision.

Published: 26-Apr-2004