American WWI Burial Cards
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Search results: 102 records (cemno Like 'AT%SEA' OR cemcomno1 Like 'AT%SEA' OR cemcomno2 Like 'AT%SEA')
Name1 Serial # Rank State Organization Division Date of Death Cause of Death Place of Burial
Cemetery #2,3
Place of Burial
Cemetery #2,3
and Reburied
Cemetery #2,3
Plat #4,5

Profit, Louis 3744780 Private Louisiana Company E, 803rd Pioneer Infantry 9/27/1918 Pneumonia At Sea 

Ragland, William T. 3769376 Private Missouri Battalion C. 74th Arty. C A C 10/3/1918 Influenza At Sea 

Redburn, Elbert 3085888 Private Missouri 16th Company Camp McArthur September 10/2/1918 Pneumonia At sea 

Reynolds, Levi 4235424 Private North Carolina Company C, 344th Labor Battalion Quartermaster Corps 10/5/1918 Pneumonia AT SEA 

Riley, Wilfred L. 2782975 Private California Company Battery E, 347th Field Artillery 91st 7/19/1918 Obstruction of the Bowels At Sea 

Rippy, Conrad 2235566 Private Texas Company C., 110th Ammunition Train 35th 5/24/1918 (S.S. Justicia) Lobar Pneumonia At Sea 

Rocheford, Walter E. 3362179 Private Minnesota Hdqr. Company, 326th Battalion Tank Corps 10/6/1918 Pneumonia At Sea 

Schaap, John 3442400 Private Illinois Motor Supply Train, # 424 10/7/1918 Lobar Pneumonia AT SEA 

Singleton, Ben 4134241 Private South Carolina Company B, 345th Labor Battalion Quartermaster Corps 10/5/1918 Pneumonia At Sea 

Spencer, Abe. 4232478 Private North Carolina Company A, 344th Labor Battery Quartermaster Corps 10/3/1918 Pneumonia at sea 
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2Hover on a cemetery number to display the cemetery name.
3Click on a cemetery number to search for all cards with that cemetery number.
4Click on a plat number to search for all burials from the database linked to that plat number.
5Plat number refers to the Initial Burial Plat on which this burial was documented. See National Archives ID 12007376.