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28th Sept 1898

My Dear Niece,

I wrote you in September last year but have not heard from you. Since the last letter I had from you was dated 13th May 1897 I have been wondering if anything was wrong. Should this reach you let me know if times are any better with you. I am glad to say that I am in my usual way & managed to do my garden all myself. I have got the fruits all gathered in except a few potatoes. It did better with me this year than last year. If this reaches you let me know how you all are & if your crops have been any better this season. Remember me to you mother, sisters & brothers when you see them. Also to your husband & all the little ones, not forgetting yourself with kindest wishes for your welfare.

Your affectionate Aunt
Agnes Gibson

If not found, please return to
Agnes Gibson
Mainshill, Mauchline, Scotland

Published: 26-Apr-2004