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Raymond Sellenrick

Raymond Sellenrick was born April 27, 1909 near Jansen, Nebraska to George and Sophie (Hoppe) Sellenrick. On January 15, 1934 he was married to Irene Bailey.

These were the Depression and Dust Bowl years. In 1937 they moved to California and spent the next few years ranching in Madera County. In the fall of 1941 Raymond went to work in Yosemite National Park as a carpenter for Yosemite Park & Curry Company.

During the war, 1942-1945, he worked in Richmond, California in the shipyards. In 1960 he retired, took care of investments and traveled extensively through California, Oregon and Washington states. He had a hobby of gold panning (in these states) and later bought and sold antiques and collectibles. He and Irene celebrated their 63rd anniversary January 15, 1997. The past 31 years they have lived in Yucaipa, California.

Updated: 25 July 1998

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Copyright © 1998 by Weldon Hoppe